IMBM’s main purposesIMBM is a scientific research institute focusing on biomathematical research of cellular, immunological and cancer growth processes, investigation of optimization methods for therapy of cancer, pathogenic diseases, and vaccination programs.
Responding to urgent needsResearch made by the founders of IMBM provides new ways of defining better treatment for cancer and infectious diseases. Cancer is an increasingly prevalent disease. Infectious diseases are still waiting for solutions from modern medicine. Current disciplines follow the long and inefficient route of trial and error for defining therapeutic protocols and vaccination strategies. Thus, despite better prognosis for these diseases, we are still facing bewildering statistics, which are especially frustrating bearing in mind the tremendous medical, scientific and financial efforts made so far.
Searching for a new approach, bringing new hopeImmune checkpoint blockade using inhibitors of programmed death-1 (PD1) and programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) have shown promise for the treatment of various metastatic cancers. Nevertheless, cancer therapy is still an intricate problem, considering the large variability in patients’ response and the shortage of methods to predict how small changes in the treatment protocols will affect prognosis. IMBM applies the most advanced analytical methods, synergizing biology, pharmacology and medicine with mathematics, machine learning and operations research, for optimizing therapy in cancer and sepsis, and optimizing vaccination strategies for measles, small pox and other infectious diseases.
Joining forces, creating the best teamThe unique independent nature of IMBM is the result of a desire and plan to encourage scientists, clinicians, pharmacists and industry leaders to contribute to this important endeavor, and join forces in this exciting mission. The institute includes a core of scientists dedicated to its activities, and enjoys the creativity and dynamics of guest scientists who participate in IMBM’s research projects during their sabbatical and post-doctorate periods. The founder of IMBM, Prof. Zvia Agur, has also founded the Israeli Society of Theoretical and Mathematical Biology, has been its president (1996-2001) and was active in the Board of Directors of the European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Scientists from various academic institution around the world have already taken part in the scientific activity within the framework of IMBM, either as full-time members or as collaborators in various programs and projects. The support of the deeply involved Trustees is essential for the Institute’s success. Among them are members of the U.S.A Academy of Science, the Israeli Academy of Science, chief editors of most celebrated biomathematical journals, top scientists at world leading medical centers and computer industries and more.
Applying advanced researchMedical biomathematics is a new science, which by adapting theoretical mathematical models is making remarkable inroads into some of the most intractable areas of immunology and cancer research. IMBM’s work is not about the discovery or synthesis of new wonder drugs, but a radical departure from the established norms of molecular biology. It rests on the concept supported by recent research, that by mathematically investigating the major dynamics in the body of a patient undergoing medical intervention it is possible to rationalize optimal treatment strategies. To date, the results from this approach have been favorable and the field is gaining increasing recognition.
Exciting innovative projectsIMBM’s projects focus on the most concrete and practical needs of modern medicine. Among these is the mathematical study of stem cells and cancer stem cells in particular, the optimization of cancer immunotherapy, prediction of hematopoietic disorders as a result of medical interventions, etc.
Creating concrete solutions
IMBM was established with the defined mission of directing its innovative methods and tools for the benefit and free use of the scientific and medical community.
Student Supervision
Throughout its existence as a non-profit research organization, IMBM founder Professor Zvia Agur sought to enhance the field of Medical Biomathematics by supervising MScs, MD and PhD students in collaboration with academic supervisors. This is done in the aim of educating independent researchers in this unique area. |