Alexander Ryvkin

Alexander Ryvkin graduated from Ural State University (Ekaterinburg, Russia) with a M.Sc. in theoretical physics and a PhD in theoretical biophysics. His early career included significant research at the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he focused on the theoretical aspects of cardiac pacemaker cells, ranging from submolecular to cellular levels.

As an assistant professor at Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg, he taught courses on Biophysics and Mathematical Modeling in Biology. He is a member of the International Biophysical Society and has participated in numerous international conferences.

Alexander has experience in the experimental study of neuronal electric activity, which he pursued at Ben-Gurion University in Beer Sheba, Israel.

Scientific activity in 2024

At IMBM, he is involved in the project “Glycolysis in COVID-19” where he is developing a mathematical model of cellular metabolism during viral infection. This project involves modeling alveolar cell infection and viral replication processes using patient data in collaboration with IMBM.


    1. Ryvkin, A., Furman, A., Lebedeva, E., & Gonotkov, M. (2024). Analysis of changes in the action potential morphology of the mouse sinoatrial node true pacemaker cells during ontogenetic development in vitro and in silico. Developmental Dynamics, Mar. 9, 8459937.
    2. Ryvkin, A. M., Markov, N. S.,  Yudenko, V. (2022). Calcium Sparks in Cardiac Pacemaker Cells at Different Temperatures in silico. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 58(Suppl 1), S125-S133.
    3. Gonotkov, M., Lebedeva, E., Ryvkin, A. (2022). Mama and papa of the early spontaneous electrical activity of the embryo sinoatrial node. The FASEB Journal, 36.
    4. Markov, N. S., Ryvkin, A. M. (2020). The peculiarities of calcium sparks formation in cardiac cells in silico. Mathematical Analysis With Applications (pp. 253-264). Springer International Publishing.
    5. Markov, N., Ryvkin, A. (2020). Simulation of the Submembrane Calcium Diffusion in Cardiac Cells. IEEE (USBEREIT) (pp. 207-210).